In light of the fallout over John Mayer's Playboy interview, let me just say that we (black people) waited too long to get mad. And we decided to get mad at the wrong person. Black people, we have a big part to play in this mess.
Some (not all) people of color got very pissed at Mayer for simply saying "nigger" and stating that, sexually speaking, he preferred white women. But let me clue everyone in on something. Ever since I can remember, full grown black adults -- celebrities and normal folk, alike -- have been disrespecting each in the same manner.Yeah, I said it.
"That nigga trippin." "You my nigga." "Nigga, you gon play Spades or what?" Sound familiar? And don't try to spout off that -a vs. -er mess, because it's the same damn word. Just misspelled for the sake of slang and an imaginary since of camaraderie. So please let's not wait until 2010 to get upset when a famous white person says nigger (without actually calling a black person a nigger) when we've been calling each other that since the slave days.
Blacks calling blacks nigga/nigger might be bad, but what I find worse is how we address black women. And even worse is many black women's acceptance of such misguided terms of endearment. Black people started off being mad, even protesting, when women were called bitches and hoes in music. But somewhere, somehow, black people grew complacent. And then we grew to accept it.
Now it's almost a commonplace to hear someone -- man or woman, black, white or purple -- refer to a woman as a bitch or ho and no one raises a brow. Words cannot describe how irritated I get when women express their friendship with another woman by calling the other woman her "favorite bitch." Or when I hear women singing, word for word, Baddest Bitch and applying it to themselves as means of empowerment.
How can you be mad at someone for saying nigger when you call yourself nigga, bitch and or ho or when you're shaking your ass to "Bad Bitch?"
As for Mayer's dick being a white supremacist, lighten the hell up and look past the not-so-politically correct metaphor. What Mayer is saying is that his sexual preference lies with white women. Don't act shocked and dismayed. He was just being honest. Mayer said he'd be down for dating and inevitably sleeping with black women, but so far in his life, he's only slept with white women.
Isn't it sexually natural to prefer one's own race to another? Aren't there black men and women who state their disinclination of dating and sleeping with white people? Yes. So why are people getting their panties in a bunch because John Mayer prefers white women? Do you really think black women were breaking down the walls to get to his member? And if you really want to make Mayer all-inclusive, then hunt his white ass down and ride his melanin-deprived dick until the wheels fall off.
Over 200,000 people have died in Haiti. Genocide is still taking place in Africa. Despite the Saint winning the Super Bowl, New Orleans is still trying to rebuild. With all the life-threatening issues going on in the world, why are we most worried about what John Mayer said? Hell, with the exception of saying nigger, I'm not upset with him. Had he used different phrasing, his interview would have been either the funniest interview this year or just another article that no one, including Playboy "readers," would have read.
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