My Pop Culture buddy, Lindsay, and I have drummed it into each other's head for at least five years that if Sade toured, we'd go. No matter how far we'd have to travel. So when the tour roster listed a show in Sunrise, Fla., I figured it would be an ideal situation. I observe my birthday a month late with a trip to South Florida, PC would scoot ten minutes up the road, and we could both enjoy a no-doubt amazing, once-in-a-decade concert.
So today, Dec. 6. Lindsay and I synced up with laser like precision, hundreds of miles apart, and order our floor seats, literally five seats away. If you notice me becoming extra frugal in the coming days, it's because these floors seats were my Christmas and birthday gift to me from me. But seeing a great friend, getting away for a weekend and seeing Sade is well worth the shekels I spent.
So in preparation for this concert, I want to lay down some rules. More like fair warning.
(This is an important one) DO NOT plan anything for July 15 and 16, 2011 and expect me to be there. It's just not happening.
-Be prepared for an excessive amount of Sade posts on all of my social networking sites the closer to the concert it gets.
-Do not judge me if you receive text message of me geeking out while at the concert.
-And definitely don't judge me if I call you before, during or after the concert in tears, a la white woman at a Michael Jackson concert in the 80s.
-Help me find the best possible set of clothes to wear. Normally, dressing up for these types of things aren't very important to me, but one must look his best if he's going to impregnate eight people in one night.
-Keep me motivated to Get My Shit Together. It's been clinically proven that the more weight you lose, the more people will want to have sex with you. And with Sweetest Taboo playing....I'm just sayin.
-Don't bring any Sade hate my way during concert time. I respect everyone's opinions, likes and dislikes. But I don't want to have to call you a so-and-so AND a such-in-such just because you write "DISLIKE" under one of my Sade-related posts.
This concert is a huge deal for me since I've rarely gone to concerts, especially one of this magnitude. I'm not even joking when I say that watching the Sade concert with my PC is #2 on my bucket list. I usually hate setting my excitement bar so high because it always seems that when I do, whatever I was looking forward to never meets my expectations. But this show, in conjunction with Getting My Shit Together and my new lease on life, should make for a astounding summer and belated birthday.
Deuce deuce,
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